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Father, teach us to pray

Writer's picture: Tonia Benoit CormierTonia Benoit Cormier
Luke 11: 2-4 And He said to them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us; and lead us not into temptation."

Our Father is giving us clear direction on how to pray. However, on most days my prayers normally start with, "I need..., Can you help me with....., My family and friends need.....and," so on. I'm sure I'm not alone in this!

As I reflect on this reading Luke 11: 2-4, God doesn't need to have all the details of why I am going into prayer, he already knows them. God just desires my surrender to simply call upon his holy and sacred name. "Hallowed be thy name", the mention of his name is sacred and should be honored.

Just call upon his name and sit in his love for a minute. Jesus...Jesus....Jesus. Allow his grace to fill your soul. Can you feel his presence, just by mentioning his name?

"Give us each day our daily bread." Jesus is the living bread! We are called each day to turn to Jesus, he gives us life. He gives us the grace to be forgiven through his love and to open our hearts to forgive others. When my life is filled with Jesus daily, I don't have space for evil to fill.

We are not capable through our humanity to forgive ourselves or others without the help of God. Forgiveness is a beautiful grace given to us only through the Father. Can I humble myself and ask for forgiveness so I can in turn forgive the ones who trespass against me?

"Lead us not into temptation." Have I asked God not to put me to the test? I've never really thought of it that way! I find myself lately trying to be more intentional turning to God before I make the first step, asking him to guide my path to the light instead of the darkness. Instead of just jumping in right away to all that is asked of me. I am definitely a work in progress at this, I tend to be the "yes person". I've learned that just because it is asked of me, doesn't always mean that God is asking me to take on the task!

When I go to God with confidence that he is carefully crafting the steps I should take to fulfill his plan for me; it is there that I am lead out of temptation of self reliance. It is said in the CCC #2846 "God cannot be tempted by evil and he himself tempts no one"; on the contrary, he wants to set us free from evil. We ask him not to allow us to take the way that leads to sin." God also has a plan for your life, call upon his sacred name!


Tonia Cormier


This week we are pursuing the virtue of Holiness. Together let's...

-Call upon and acknowledge His sacred and Holy name.

-Pray the Our Father daily.

-Spend time in adoration, sitting in sacred silence.

-Go to confession

Reflect & Pray

Song: Surrounded by Kari Jobe This is how I fight my battles

It may look like I'm surrounded But I'm surrounded by You

This is how I fight my battles

Nothing is as strong as Your blood

Right here at Your table

Your blood and Your body has overcome

This is how I fight my battles

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


You can find a new verse, virtue, song, and purposed steps every week in our devotional, Pursuing Peace. Check it out and enhance your relationship with Jesus today.



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