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Reflection on the Seven Sorrows

Writer's picture: Tonia Benoit CormierTonia Benoit Cormier

The Seven Sorrows of Mary, honored in September, invite us to journey with the Blessed Mother through the profound depths of her grief, reflecting on the sacrifices she bore for the salvation of humanity. In each sorrow, we find not only the pain of a mother but also the unwavering strength of faith that carried her through unimaginable trials. As we meditate on these sorrows, we are called to embrace our own sufferings with a heart open to grace, finding hope in the midst of sorrow.

1st Prophecy of Simeon

Mary followed the laws of her faith, bringing Jesus to be blessed in the temple no matter the cost. We bring our children to church for Baptism, Mass, Communion, and Confirmation. Do we do it no matter the cost? Are we faithful to the law of the Catholic Church and to the Commandments? Do we miss the ball game on Sunday to attend Mass? Are we home at a decent time on Saturday to be well-rested for Mass? Do we seek out Mass scheduling when we travel? Mary helps us to obey the First Commandment, “I am the Lord thy God: Thou shall not have strange Gods before me.”

2nd Flight into Egypt 

Can we hear God's voice? What does God's voice sound like? Will we be quick to respond to the call? Can I trust the message that Christ is revealing to us? Can I drop it all and leave with just Jesus? Do I trust the message from my spouse/ friend/ family; can I trust that God uses messengers to reveal His plan? Mary showed her obedience to Joseph and her trust in God working through him.  Do I have that in my relationships? That kind of trust that will allow me to fully accept what is being asked of me, without reworking the plan.

3rd The loss of Jesus in the temple

This one always brings me hope! Mary & Joseph lost Jesus- allow that to sink in for a minute. How many times in our lives have we lost Jesus only to remember all we have to do to find Him is head to his Father’s house, the Church. Of course he awaits us, arms opened wide upon the cross ready to receive us. How did I find my way to Jesus or back to Jesus? What were my emotions when He embraced me? Have I experienced that deep pain as Mary did from not having Jesus by my side? Have I looked anxiously for Him amidst this world? 

4th Mary meets Jesus on the way to Calvary 

Mary wasn’t surprised by the cross, rather she went straight to Jesus upon it. Where in my life have I been surprised by the cross that I have been given? Am I able to carry it? How heavy is it? Have I been able to meet Jesus upon the cross, what is his position? Can I relate my pain and suffering to Mary’s heart or Jesus’ upon the cross? Can I feel the wounds that Jesus has, what do they relate to in my life? As a mother, I would imagine she wanted to take that cross from him…to bear the load herself. It wasn’t her place, she accepted this! Can we as parents accept the crosses that our children have to carry alone? Can we humbly and prayerfully assume our role by their side? 

5th Mary stands at the foot of the cross

Mary climbs behind Jesus as she is suffering in silence. She didn’t cause a scene, nor did she try to remove the pain. Mary faced the cross with eyes wide open to reality, she faced all the pain and kept her eyes affixed on Jesus. Can I face the cross with eyes wide open to the struggles in my life? Am I able to suffer quietly and focus on Jesus, or am I trying to run and change every detail of what’s before me? What does the cross feel like that I am asked to carry? Is Jesus there with me? Am I carrying the cross alone? 

6th Mary receives the dead Body of Jesus. 

Jesus’s friends took him down from the cross and gave Him to His mother. Mary in turn accepted Jesus with love and compassion. What friend/family member is hanging on the cross right now? Can I meet them there or is it too much for me to handle? Can I pray for their cross to be removed? Can I evangelize and bring Jesus to meet them upon the cross? Can I have the same compassion for them as Mary did? Can I walk them back to church? What would it look like to take them down from the cross? How heavy are they? What wounds need to be cleaned? (Mass, Adoration, Confession, Communion) 

7th Jesus is placed in the tomb

Mary suffered greatly this day leaving her son-the savior of the world- alone. However, she knew in her heart that He would return. What do we need to bury in order to be resurrected by God? What needs to be made new in our life? Can I bury it and walk away with the trust that God will resurrect that part of my life and make me whole again? Can I bring myself to a full surrender of my way of life? Can I trust God to resurrect His divine plan? 

Walking with Mary through her life we can see that she had full surrender to the will of God. It was not an easy life, though she accepted it and humbly set a beautiful example for us to follow. She was the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and her crosses were heavy and overwhelming. Mary wasn’t spared suffering, rather she embraced it with trust and full surrender to God. May her life be a beacon of light and hope for all of us to know that the crosses that we bear can’t outweigh the love that the Father has for us all. 

Prayer for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

O God, in Whose Passion a sword of sorrow pierced the most dear soul of the glorious Virgin-Mother, Mary, as foretold by Simeon, mercifully grant that we who reverently commemorate Her sorrows, may obtain the blessed effect of Thy Passion. Who livest and reignest, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.  Amen.


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