Can I Getta Amen podcast was formed as a medium to spread courage, hope, and a contagious joy through conversations with people about personal growth and making the world a brighter place through faith. Our guests are relatable people who are willing to explore their journeys with us and share in the excitement of seeking a deeper meaning in life.

Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Diving into the Word brings clarity, creativity, and boldness into the daily journey of faith. In the pages of the Bible, we learn how to live wisely, which is the first step toward pursing our purpose. Through daily reflection, we learn to focus our eyes on God who is alive and present all around us.
Through small groups, evenings of reflection, and special events, we take time away from the busyness of life to gather in the presence of God. In these sacred spaces, we come together to glorify Him by communing in a very intimate way. We strive to awaken your spiritual and physical senses, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you deeper into connection with our Lord.